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and life goes on…

I was in no mood to write this blog post but since of fear that i might just loose the momentum in blogging so i thought lets post few words. Today i will simply add few lines about what’s going…

a day without internet

Well, i never felt it would be that hard. But somehow i passed. it. I was without internet for almost 1 and half day. My wireless internet router which connects me to the ISP server was down and i was…

Blogging Seems hard

Hi Everyone, Well, it seems like i cannot and for sake really i cannot blog regularly. I have been trying this for sometime now and this is perhaps fourth or fifth time that i have decided to blog once again.…

Domains registration in a easy way.

Well, choosing a domain name can be a serious business if you don’t start right away. You have to register the domain even before you register your company. If you want your business to have a brand name in internet…

Where am i lost?

Where am i lost ? Thats what i keep asking my self and lots of people to me. I do come every now and then promising to start my blogs over and over again and then just vanish somewhere. Well,…