Where am i lost ? Thats what i keep asking my self and lots of people to me. I do come every now and then promising to start my blogs over and over again and then just vanish somewhere. Well, this is going since ages and now once again this is my another attempt for serious blogging. I don’t know this energy comes suddenly in me and just fades away. Once i power up to blog and then again in a moment that power ruins. But it still i don’t know what keeps me running.
Actually, the thing is that i am not away from my PC or internet. I do keep reading blog and some of my personal favorites are Nintynine, Bloganywhere, Freelanceswitch, Blogherald, Webworkerdaily, and many more. I read them and start wondering that how come they keep their blogs so much updated. I also get emails of lot of internet marketers and some web enterpreneurs who write about everything of niche subject but still i cant get any insipiration.
Its not that i have stopped writing or anything like that. I still write web content and i recent ally got this 32kbps wireless connection in my home and i once again want to make it big but before that i have dues to clear of my friends.
Well , after getting the internet into my home, there is no reason i should not blog. Hopefully something keeps me inspired to blog. Insha Allah !