Mohammad Tajim

Full Stack Web Developer From Nepal

This site ranks #1 on Google

Congrats to me for this! But well, it was not anykind of trick but i guess Google has started to crawl the site a bit quick. I had added some keywords on my site day before yesterday and did some on page optimization and well the results are here:

I am on #1 rank for term ” internet marketing nepal “. Yes , this is the work that i do and i guess after coming on highest ranking i may get some more work offers in near future.
Here’s the screen shot:






Here is thr URL:*%3AIE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7GGIH&q=internet+marketing+nepal&btnG=Search

Besides this: I am also on first page for some quiet good keywords like:

designers nepal
designing nepal
web site designing nepal
and again on top for the term: web designing butwal

 I hope i can maintain that growth rate

One response

  1. Tenzin Avatar

    hi there!!! congrats for ranking top for the term internet marketing nepal. u also rank good enough for other terms. but till now, i havent seen ur site in SERP. i have seen our site going up and down now and then. but from ur site, it seems that u r very very interested in seoing…and especially confident of doing it right. i have been doing seo for few months. but i just cant figure out why some sites rank high and why our site goes up and down from time to time. i know of everything said for seoing and i do that. but then i can see no guarantee that whatever i do will result in high SERP. i feel this seo job is a kind of promising other something which cant be guaranteed…i hope to get some advice and knowledge from u and probably share experiences…we can live chat at [email protected]….thanks