Mohammad Tajim

Life – Work – WordPress

  • Terai is burning, and you may think what the hell these desis are doing. Are they planning to take Terai into India. For common people from hilly region or even people with Hilly accent living in Terai region, it must be amazing to see these madeshi buring buses and pubic property. But my dear friend,…

  • Finally, I am back again to Ktm. Wooh its cold here.  Went to see CAN INfotech 2007. Actually what i expected in CAn Infotech, i got the same thing – lots and lots computer institutions advertising there courses… and computer shops displaying then costly and badly configured laptops. Well i also got to see a…

  • Out of City

    Hey folks. I will be out of the city for a week and hopefully wont be blogging. But you people keep browsing the archives and my other blogs too.. — still under construction

  • I actually dont make resolutions , just follow what comes in front of me. But yeah i do make long term goals. I always think where i will be 3 years from now and till now  what ever i had been thinking for past 3-4 years all is just going fine. But yeah this year…

  • Digg it !. Thats what all the diggers are doing and i did it too yesterday . Thought i have been using digg to find articles but i never dugg there till yesterday and when i dugg my first blog post in Digg i saw its power. In just 18 Hrs the numbers of hits…

  • Web 2.0 is fascinating me. I am digging content, bookmarking it and syndicating RSS Feeds. If this sounds alien to you then you must be living in a very old age. This is the age of Web 2.0. Forget brust of dotcom bubble. It was way back in 90s . Now its the time for…

  • I really dont know why i blog, maybe its because i like blogging or maybe i want to say things that i experience or may be just for fun. But whatever be the reason all i know that i blog and will be blogging. In my memory the first blog which i read was United…

  • I really dont understand why people try to push every work to tommorow. Its really disgusting and ridiculous habit of we humans. Anything whihc can be done today is never done today . Most probably we tend to just – I ‘ll do it tommorow. This sounds very bad to the other person who wants…

  • Yes !, Its really getting hard day by day. More the temperature deeps down more will  be problem for me. I  Just hate this winter season and moreover in ktm its really.. yaak !!! And even with college going on in full speed i dont want to loose my classes since again starting to…