Mohammad Tajim

Full Stack Web Developer From Nepal

Why do i blog ?

I really dont know why i blog, maybe its because i like blogging or maybe i want to say things that i experience or may be just for fun. But whatever be the reason all i know that i blog and will be blogging. In my memory the first blog which i read was United We Blog ! but intially i didnt know that it was not a website but a blog. First i thought that it was a also website giving news but later i came to figure out that it was a blog and since then i started researching more on blogs.

The Latest post in Nepalivoices about Why Nepalese Blog (or why people blog) ?  has made me think that why do blog. If i be very sincere and say the truth then blog because i want to be part of this whole blogosphere not only of Nepal but of whole world thats why i am working on my network of blogs. I know one thing for sure, I have devoted my life for computers and now i am in such a stage where i cannot look back or a take a step back to go into any other field. I have got only this computer and internet where i can earn my living. I know there are millions of others too who have same dreams as me but what i think is that if u work hard you will surely succeed.
I see blogs as a inspiration for me. Every morning when i get first log into my computer before checking mails i check my feedburner where i have rss feeds of more that 100s of blogs  of diffrent fields from tech to politics. Every day when i get back to home, i keep thinking of what new post would i make tommorow or what new plugin can i use for my blog or whatever.  My mind is totally occupied by only these things 24/7.  Sometimes even in my dreams i see  my Blog’s Dashboard. So you can see how much addicted i am to blogging.