Mohammad Tajim

Full Stack Web Developer From Nepal

my new year resolution

I actually dont make resolutions , just follow what comes in front of me. But yeah i do make long term goals. I always think where i will be 3 years from now and till now  what ever i had been thinking for past 3-4 years all is just going fine. But yeah this year i have made one decision though, and that will be getting serious with my work. Its been more than 3 years i have been designing web sites and coding web programs, but i never have taken it seriously. I have designed some more than 100 websites and customized tons of script. I dont even remember how much of junk is still remaining in my hard disk. But i never thought that
i would take this thing seriously as a full time job. Last year i had thought that i would be in some good postion by the end of 2006 and yes right now i am just on the gate of entering that stage where i might just go up and up but still i need to work twice harder than anyone else in this world.
One more thing happened just on the first day of this new year. First time ever in my life i bunked an exam and that too of English. It was really a amazing kind

of experience. I have never in my life ever missed exam. I just love exams. ( You may think what kind of crap am i ! )