Starting Afresh
2 min read
For around a decade now i have been a freelancer. I made websites for people, wrote content for them, did a bunch of other things but it was mostly for others. I ventured multiple times to build things on my own but most of the times they got pushed back or i lost interest in them…
I have a problem
3 min read
Back in those days when i played cricket i was never a good finisher, i could never consolidate on game and always lacked confidence and had a huge huge inferiority complex because of an invisble force that is why i left that game but now same lack of will power is hunting me all over again and…
Why did this happen?
1 min read
Petrol Pumps don’t sell us petrol on credit. Each one has to pay money before filling their tanks but still.. Nepal Oil Corporation owns 1.2 Billion NPR to Indian Oil Corporation Why? Nepal is suppoed to be Number 1 in Asia in terms of Fresh Water Resources but still Kathmandu relies of expensive Water Tankers and Mineral…
BIPA and the controversy within…
4 min read
Mr. PM BRB got back from India and with him brought tons of controvery. Tons of people support him and many are just after him like they do for most people who talk a litle sense in context of Nepal. Yes, PM BRB has a postive vibe with him and dreams of changing Nepal but…
1996 – 2006 — A decade past !
2 min read
“I wrote this post around January 2006 but somehow didn’t publish it. It was in my Blog’s Draft ever since and i never checked what was written in it. Today, somehow i stumbled upon it. Yes, this post was written in 2006 and is getting published in 2011. Yeah, i know, i can get lazy…
Fourth Bloggers Meet – Rocking !!!
2 min read
Well, i attended my fourth Blogger Meet , this time it was more fun than before as i saw many blogger face to face whom i only read in there blogs. There were altogether 24 bloggers joing in this time. The whole meeting was actually a debate between two groups , one who wanted to…
New Media Ramblings
1 min read
I read this in one newspaper yesterday : “Indeed it is quite conceivable that if you are not a knowledge worker today you may become the new poor”. And this made me though for a moment , i thought i had done good choosing my career in IT few years back , i dont know…
New nepali Bloggers directory
1 min read
I was planning for this one but its already made by someoe else. A new nepali bloggers directory has just been lauched called Bloggers.com.np. It has a list of about 170 regular and non-regular blogs. This site is made by Archana Shrestha who is also an freelance web designer. The whole idea of the site is good…
Attending the third bloggers’s meet was amazing this time . We had James Gomez a singaporean blogger who shared his thoughts on blogging and conditions in Singapore and lot more . I really learnt a lot from him . I think if we can bring such guest of honour in every meet , i am…