Mohammad Tajim

Life – Work – WordPress

Starting Afresh

For around a decade now i have been a freelancer.  I made websites for people, wrote content for them, did a bunch of other things but it was mostly for others.  I ventured multiple times to build things on my own but most of the times they got pushed back or i lost interest in them when a more pressing project came to me.

So, finally after whole 3 years of contemplation and many rounds of meeting, i made something that might genuinely solve a problem for a lots of Nepali freelancer and people who want to sell things on internet.

Last week, i launched Zokimo. In short, Zokimo is a platform which anyone from Nepal can use to sell things online. It’s not a typical e-commerce company. I would say it’s more of hybrid between a Marketplace and a Payment platform. The core problem that we are trying to solve  on Zokimo is not one of selling things, there are dime a dozen platform anyone can use to sell their products and services but the the problem we are trying to solve is one of Online Payment for Nepali freelancers.

You see, a heck ton of people from Nepal aspire to sell on Internet but sooner or later all of them face one mighty problem. How do i get paid?

That is the problem we are trying to solve.

At Zokimo, we use‘s payment engine to process payment which means when you make a sale your money is not stored into some foreign wallet but instead you get the money into your local Nepali Bank Account.  In short, you don’t have to jump bunch of hoops  or use multiple hacks or beg your friends and relatives abroad just to get hands on your money.

You now have a system in place in Nepal that you can use to sell all over world and get paid locally.

If that interests you then sign up on Zokimo and see how it can help you.


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