Mohammad Tajim

Full Stack Web Developer From Nepal

Some Good things and a lot of Bad Things

Following is a post from user bikalpapaudel on Mazzako Forum.  I though it was a good review about our condition so i have posted it here.

You wont see anything concrete even for the next 7-8 years. But slight hints? You can get that all the time, provided you look for it.

I don’t see what’s gone so bad as compared to the last 5-6 years. I mean most of the changes we have seen, even the degratory ones; are more or less a consequence of the process we are in; in the context of a country like ours.

You might be thinking so because there’s been no stop in strikes, rallies from dissatisfied masses.
You might be pissed because of Loadshedding.
You might be pissed because of continued debates and pulling-each-other’s legs by politicians.

You might be frustrated looking at how the media goes on and on about politics – the problem, in part, is the media.
Too much highlight on politics and politicians — people pay too much attention to those issues — people get frustrated. To media, politics is masala. Media has corrupted many of us here – Indian news channel jastai hunchha bhanne darr chha malai!

There have been no real restrictions or blockades to the people, no disastrous happenings. All that’s happened are quite obvious during Transition phase for a diverse-people country like ours.

Good Things that have happened.
The things that have massively changed for the good in the past few years.

– Totally unaligned parties go into agreement: 12 bunde samajhdaari. Very phenomenal, even looking back.
– Jana-andolan
– Constituent Assembly election. A great achievement in itself.

– King being overthrown: let’s not go into the goods or the bads, but a change like that is phenomenal.
– The common man can voice out his/her dissatisfaction towards the authority. Unlike the past.

– The deprived masses being aware: a very big achievement again. Madhes aandolan, dalit and janajaatis, tharus, kirats.

– Maoist & Nepal army organization/re-allocation/integration process underway. Another indicator that things haven’t been completely damaged.

Even concerning other sectors, I do see development.
– We have a friggin ~10 national broadcast TV channels now!
– Look at the number of FM radios!
– Internet. The penetration is increasing and you can at least get online from all 75 districts! North Korea does not even have a single ISP. The condition is similar in Bhutan. And China – tyaako internet bhanda ta malai hamrai thik.
– Common man can still monetarily survive, if he works. It’s not like Zimbawe. Even poor people rarely die out of hunger — it’s not like India!

A very important thing to consider. DO NOT COMPARE OUR PACE WITH OTHERS. Sure we lag behind, but we have not gone back! [Let me remind you, countries do go back. Pakistan ma din dinai manchhe mariraako chha. Iraq dhwasta bho. Africa ma kati country ustai chha.]

We are just slower — it’s kind of obvious considering the political/constitutional mess we have been through in our past and are still sorting.

We should not expect a lot in this transitional phase. We should not expect an unnatural pace for things to get sorted.

As for loadshedding — that can be blamed on everyone who has had power the last 50 years. Tetro varsha samma overhead banai rakhnu pardaina? Demand ta badhi halchha ni.
Nepalma ta loadshedding jaile dekhi nai chha — kasko galti bhanne? Dosh dine nai ho bhane pani aajako shaasan bhanda pani pahile pahile ko shaasan lai chai baru dosh dina milchha hola.

Tara tyo ni nagarum, kasailai dosh nadium. Aile ko loadshedding hami sabai ko samasya ho. Hami sabai le afulai hune harm minimize garna aru alternatives khojnu parchha.

Sorry bikalpapaudel, didnt take your permission before posting it. I hope you wont mind it. 🙂

7 responses

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mohammad Tajim and hamro circle, Nepal News Network . Nepal News Network said: HamroCircle- Some Good things and a lot of Bad Things: Following is a post from user bikalpapaudel on Mazzako Foru… […]



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