Mohammad Tajim

Full Stack Web Developer From Nepal

moving on with my work

Last few post in my blog has been related to what i do in my daily work life. If you are new reader then let me recap you with my work details: I am a freelance webmaster who works in almost every aspect of internet. I create content, design websites, optimize them for search engine and even write my own code in PHP. I am like a jack of all trades.

Well, though i do a lot of things but majority of my income comes from writing content. I am almost doing it fulltime now and write on various websites and multiple clients. Though i am making decent amount of money by writing online but i still feel that i can do much better with all the talent that i have within me. The rate on which i write content is considered the lowest in this insurty. I feel more bad when i see my own clients making huge amount of money by using content written by me. Well, this is business and i should not be offended by it but still i think if i use that talent of writing content for my own network of sites and blogs and then i can enjoy a much better pay scale every month.

I know by fact that if i engage in creating sites and flipping them then i am sure i can make much more amount of money but somewhere in my heart i always have fear that what if i fail in that. The bigger problem with me is that i cannot refuse new projects. Right now at the moment i have lots of writing orders in the pipeline and due to my recent personal incident i have been delayed in all the orders but still i cannot refuse to take on new orders. Second bigger problem is that when i am low in projects than i get caught by that negative feeling which makes me take on more project that brings in money.

Telling you fact i cannot stand a single day without work. Though i have huge plans and numerous ideas that will make sure money but this lack of motivating factor within me stops me to take on those ideas.

Can you suggest me any idea on how can i manage all those things while still being happy at the end?

2 responses

  1. Dan Avatar

    Follow your heart Mohammad. I think you should tell some people no. Maybe keep your current largest clients, and don’t take on new ones. That way you still have work and money coming in, but more free time to expand. You obviously are smart and know what you are doing, perhaps its time to grow. Do the things you love and start outsourcing to others to do the skills you are weakest at or like the least. If all else fails you can always fall back on what you are doing now.

  2. Mohammad Tajim Avatar
    Mohammad Tajim

    Well, thats what i am trying to do these days. Just concentrating on larger clients
    I hope that will work in my favour