Mohammad Tajim

Full Stack Web Developer From Nepal


new morning in  nepal

Peace At LAst
This was the Headline in today’s The Himalayan Time. Then ran the line
Seven- part alliance, Maoist leaders sign historic agreement to end decade-long conflict.

At morning when i was getting back from my college i saw this headline. I had heard the earlier day that some historic agreemnt is underway in the PM’s residence at Baluwatar between the government and the rebels but i did not hoped that they would come to an agreement this quick But whatever be the agreemnt , at last i hope that Nepal will once again have permanent peace and will race ahead in time to become a developed nation. Hope so, ( InshaAllah)

2 responses

  1. Ujjwal Acharya Avatar

    Great Tajim!

    You used to blog so i am hoping now that you would continue blogging.

  2. sbs Avatar

    गुलशन की फ़क़त फूलों से कांटों भी ज़ीनत होती है
    जीने के लिये इस दुनिया में ग़म की ज़रूरत होती है
    सबा अफ़ग़नी