Mohammad Tajim

Full Stack Web Developer From Nepal


All about Technology

  • Last whole month was a transition for me, Lost the job (actually I left it) got high fever, Cheimaphobia and Huh!  Also a kind of Information Overload, actually my last 5 years have completely been passed on Internet, and these days reading more and more blogs always leads me to information overload, and that’s a…

  • Attending the third bloggers’s meet was amazing this time . We had James Gomez a singaporean blogger who shared his thoughts on blogging and conditions in Singapore and lot more . I really learnt a lot from him . I think if we can bring such guest of honour in every meet , i am…

  • Finally, I am back again to Ktm. Wooh its cold here.  Went to see CAN INfotech 2007. Actually what i expected in CAn Infotech, i got the same thing – lots and lots computer institutions advertising there courses… and computer shops displaying then costly and badly configured laptops. Well i also got to see a…

  • Digg it !. Thats what all the diggers are doing and i did it too yesterday . Thought i have been using digg to find articles but i never dugg there till yesterday and when i dugg my first blog post in Digg i saw its power. In just 18 Hrs the numbers of hits…

  • Web 2.0 is fascinating me. I am digging content, bookmarking it and syndicating RSS Feeds. If this sounds alien to you then you must be living in a very old age. This is the age of Web 2.0. Forget brust of dotcom bubble. It was way back in 90s . Now its the time for…

  • Its coming … i can feel it . I had been thinking to have my own network of sites and blogs like b5media or 9rules. I always browsed through these sites and thought what made them stand so ahead of us. These networks were not made by big boys of Internet  but rather small wanna…