All about Technology
Being a Web worker in a Third world country
2 min read
Last whole month was a transition for me, Lost the job (actually I left it) got high fever, Cheimaphobia and Huh! Also a kind of Information Overload, actually my last 5 years have completely been passed on Internet, and these days reading more and more blogs always leads me to information overload, and that’s a…
Attending the third bloggers’s meet was amazing this time . We had James Gomez a singaporean blogger who shared his thoughts on blogging and conditions in Singapore and lot more . I really learnt a lot from him . I think if we can bring such guest of honour in every meet , i am…
Ok. Back again
1 min read
Finally, I am back again to Ktm. Wooh its cold here. Went to see CAN INfotech 2007. Actually what i expected in CAn Infotech, i got the same thing – lots and lots computer institutions advertising there courses… and computer shops displaying then costly and badly configured laptops. Well i also got to see a…
Digg the Power
1 min read
Digg it !. Thats what all the diggers are doing and i did it too yesterday . Thought i have been using digg to find articles but i never dugg there till yesterday and when i dugg my first blog post in Digg i saw its power. In just 18 Hrs the numbers of hits…
Lost in Web 2.0
2 min read
Web 2.0 is fascinating me. I am digging content, bookmarking it and syndicating RSS Feeds. If this sounds alien to you then you must be living in a very old age. This is the age of Web 2.0. Forget brust of dotcom bubble. It was way back in 90s . Now its the time for…
working on network of blogs !!!
2 min read
Its coming … i can feel it . I had been thinking to have my own network of sites and blogs like b5media or 9rules. I always browsed through these sites and thought what made them stand so ahead of us. These networks were not made by big boys of Internet but rather small wanna…