Mohammad Tajim

Mohammad Tajim

I make websites, that's what i have done for last 17 years or so. Also, made and run WPMunk and MetricThemes. You can check out my tweets on @tajim

Did you know…

Michael Jordan having “retired,” with $40 million in endorsements, makes $178,100 a day, working or not. If he sleeps 7 hours a night, he makes $52,000 every night while visions of sugarplums dance in his head. If he goes to…

Why did this happen?

Petrol Pumps don’t sell us petrol on credit. Each one has to pay money before filling their tanks but still.. Nepal Oil Corporation owns 1.2 Billion NPR to Indian Oil Corporation Why? Nepal is suppoed to be Number 1 in Asia in…

Go Hustle

If you are following Gary Vaynerchuk on Twitter and have watched his keynotes and speeches then you know what hustle actually means. I am a big fan of Gary and try to follow what he says.  If you do not…